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Deploying to ECS/Fargate

AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a popular way to deploy containerized applications to AWS. ECS is a managed service that allows you to run containers on a cluster of EC2 instances, or on AWS Fargate, a serverless compute engine for containers.

In this guide, we will demonstrate how to deploy schema migrations to ECS/Fargate using Atlas. As deploying to ECS/Fargate is a vast topic that is beyond the scope of this guide, we will focus on the migration part only.

Because of its operational simplicity, we will discuss deployment to ECS where tasks are run on Fargate, but the techniques discussed here are relevant to any ECS deployment.


Prerequisites to the guide:

  1. A service running on ECS/Fargate defining your application.
  2. A connection string to a database that is accessible from the ECS task. (e.g. An RDS running in the same VPC as the ECS cluster with a security group allowing access from the ECS task)
  3. Atlas and AWS CLIs installed and configured on your machine.

Storing database credentials in Secrets Manager

In order to run migrations, Atlas needs a connection string to the database. In order to avoid storing the database credentials in plain text in the ECS task definition, we will use AWS Secrets Manager to store the database credentials and pass them to the migration container as environment variables.

Let's start by creating a secret in AWS Secrets Manager that contains the database credentials:

aws secretsmanager create-secret --name mydb --secret-string 'postgres://user:password@host:port/dbname'

The CLI responds with the details about the created secret, which we will use later:

"ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:<account id>:secret:mydb-gxZ0Qe",
"Name": "mydb",
"VersionId": "ab6d1fc0-d1a0-49c8-9bfb-5fd9922ffc37"

To make sure that the ECS task has access to the secrets, we will need to add to the task's IAM role a policy that allows it to access the secrets. This will look something similar to:

"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-2:<account id>:secret:mydb-<random suffix>",
"Sid": ""
"Version": "2012-10-17"

Reading secrets during deployment

To read our secret value during deployment we can use the runtimevar data source. To use this, create a project file named atlas.hcl:

data "runtimevar" "url" {
url = "awssecretsmanager://mydb?region=us-east-2"
env "deploy" {
url = "${data.runtimevar.url}"

Be sure to replace mydb with the name of your secret and to set the correct region in the query parameter.

Next, create a Dockerfile that will include your migration directory and project file. This is a variation of the baseline example we introduced in the "Creating container images for migrations" guide:

FROM arigaio/atlas:latest

COPY migrations /migrations

COPY atlas.hcl .

This image should be built and pushed to ECR (or another container registry) as part of your CI process.

Running migrations before the application starts

In order to make sure that migrations run successfully before the application starts, we will need to update the ECS task definition to make the main application container depend on the migration container running to completion. This way, when you deploy a new version of the application, ECS will first run the migration container and only start the application container once the migration container exits successfully.

Notice that when running migrations for a distributed application, you will need to make sure that only one actor in our system tries to run the migrations at any given time to avoid race conditions with unknown outcomes. Luckily, Atlas supports this behavior out of the box. When running migrations, Atlas will first acquire a lock in the database (using advisory locking, in databases that support it) and then begin execution.

To achieve this, your task definition should look something similar to:

"taskRoleArn":"arn:aws:iam::<account id>:role/fargate-demo-ecsTaskRole",
"executionRoleArn":"arn:aws:iam::<account id>:role/fargate-demo-ecsTaskExecutionRole",
"image":"<account id>",

Notice a few points of interest in the above task definition:

  1. We define two containers: one for running Atlas migrations, named "atlas" and one for running the application, "app". For the sake of the example, our application container is only running the latest version of nginx, but in a realistic scenario it will contain your application code.
  2. The app container has a dependsOn clause that makes it depend on the atlas container. This means that ECS will only start the app container once the atlas container exits successfully.
  3. The atlas container is not marked as essential. This is required for containers that aren't expected to keep running through the task's lifecycle, ideal for use cases like running a setup script before the application starts.
  4. The atlas container is configured to run the migrate apply command. This will run all pending migrations and then exit. We provide this command with the --env deploy flag to make sure that it uses the deploy environment defined in our project file.