Features Not Supported by the Community Release
After upgrading Atlas, you might encounter an error stating "Feature X is no longer supported by this release."
For example:
Error: data.external_schema is no longer supported by this release.
This occurs when you install the community version of Atlas, which lacks some features available only in non-community builds.
To fix the issue, install the correct Atlas build to your system when upgrading. One can ensure this by following the initial installation instructions.
- macOS + Linux
- Homebrew
- Docker
- Windows
- Manual Installation
To download and install the latest release of the Atlas CLI, simply run the following in your terminal:
curl -sSf https://atlasgo.sh | sh
Get the latest release with Homebrew:
brew install ariga/tap/atlas
To pull the Atlas image and run it as a Docker container:
docker pull arigaio/atlas
docker run --rm arigaio/atlas --help
If the container needs access to the host network or a local directory, use the --net=host
flag and mount the desired
docker run --rm --net=host \
-v $(pwd)/migrations:/migrations \
arigaio/atlas migrate apply
--url "mysql://root:pass@:3306/test"
Download the latest release and move the atlas binary to a file location on your system PATH.
Have additional questions or feedback? Feel free to reach out on our Discord server.