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Your Schema-as-Code

Atlas is built on the concept of "Database Schema-as-Code", where teams define the desired state of their database as part of their code, and use an automated tool (such as Atlas) to plan, verify and apply schema changes (migrations) automatically.

Naturally, the first part of setting up your project is to determine how your "schema as code" project is going to be structured. Atlas provides a lot of flexibility around how to define this state as we will show below.

Step 1: Choose your language

Atlas offers three main ways to define the desired state of your database schema:

  1. Atlas DDL - is an HCL-based syntax (similar to Terraform) for defining database schemas. For example:
schema "default" {

table "users" {
schema = schema.default
column "name" {
type = varchar(100)
// ... more
  1. Plain SQL - alternatively, you can use plain SQL DDL commands to define your database schema. For example:
CREATE TABLE `users` (
name varchar(100)
  1. ORMs - Atlas can extract the desired database schema from ORM data models, for example:
from django.db import models

class User(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

What should you choose?

As with any important engineering decision, there are pros and cons to every alternative, which you should weigh against your use case. Let's try to enumerate some benefits and potential issues with each alternative:

FamiliarityTeams likely already know how to define SQL tables.New syntax specific to Atlas, familiar to teams using Terraform.Developers are used to defining data models in their favorite framework's API.
OrderSchema order matters; dependencies between resources require careful attention.Resources can be defined in any order, providing flexibility. Dependencies resolved by Atlas.Models can be defined in different files; dependencies are resolved by the ORM engine.
Editor SupportImperative syntax limits IDE features like "Jump to Definition" and code completion.VSCode and JetBrains support with features like syntax highlighting and auto-completion.Editor support varies; some frameworks offer type-safe APIs while others use string annotations.


  • SQL: Your team probably already knows how to define SQL tables, making SQL a familiar choice for many teams, leveraging existing knowledge and skills.
  • Atlas DDL: The syntax is new and specific to Atlas but will feel familiar to teams used to working with Terraform, balancing the introduction of new concepts with leveraging Terraform's HCL familiarity.
  • ORM: Your developers are already used to defining data models in their favorite framework's API, which can speed up development and reduce the learning curve for new team members.


  • SQL: Schemas must be replayable on a target database, meaning the order in which statements are written matters. For example, you cannot define a table that references another table via a foreign key before the dependent table is defined. This requires either disabling foreign key checks or splitting the table definition into a CREATE statement followed by an ALTER statement, complicating schema management and requiring careful planning.
  • Atlas DDL: Atlas DDL is based on HCL, the same configuration language used by Terraform. Resources can be defined in any order, helping with logically splitting resources into different domains and offering more flexibility. This reduces mental overhead and simplifies operations for end developers.
  • ORM: This depends on the ORM specifics, but in general, ORM Models can be defined in different files where their dependencies are resolved by the ORM engine. This modularity simplifies development and maintenance of data models.

Editor Support

  • SQL: Because SQL DDL is an imperative syntax, important IDE features (such as "Jump to Definition" and code completion) do not work great. This can hinder development efficiency and increase the potential for errors.
  • Atlas DDL: Editor support for both VSCode and JetBrains includes syntax highlighting, auto-completion, syntax checking, jump to definition, multi-file support, and more. This comprehensive support enhances developer productivity and reduces the likelihood of errors.
  • ORM: Editor support greatly varies. Some frameworks provide a 100% type-safe API which the editor understands, while others heavily rely on string-based annotations. Depending on the framework, developer efficiency and code robustness may vary.

Must you choose only one?

In some cases, no alternative checks all the boxes and you need to find a way to build schemas that are built from multiple building blocks. For example, you may want to use your favorite ORM to describe your schema only to discover that it lacks support for some needed database functionality (e.g VIEW or TRIGGER resources).

In cases like these, we advise using the composite_schema data source which can be used to layer multiple schema definitions one on top of the other. This way you can have your base models defined as Django Models, but additional views and triggers layered on top in Atlas DDL.

Here's a basic example of how a composite_schema might look like:

data "composite_schema" "project" {
schema "inventory" {
url = data.external_schema.django.url
schema "triggers" {
url = "file://path/to/triggers.hcl"

To learn more about composite_schema, head over to the documentation

Step 2: Add your schema files

After you have determined what you would like to use as the desired state for your Database Schema-as-Code setup with Atlas, let's add the relevant files to our project.

Option A: Atlas DDL

Use the following command to inspect your target database schema to create an initial baseline for your project with Atlas DDL:

atlas schema inspect --url "$DB_URL" --env local  > schema.hcl

This command tells Atlas to connect to the database at $DB_URL, inspect it, use the Dev Database defined in the local env. By default, Atlas DDL is used as the output format. We then redirect the output from Atlas into a new file, schema.hcl which we will use the the source schema for our project.

Next, update your project configuration file, atlas.hcl, to add the src attribute which tells Atlas it can find the desired state of the database in the given path:

env "local" {
src = "file://schema.hcl"
dev = "docker://postgres/16/dev" // <-- Replace your with your dev database URL.

Option B: Plain SQL

Use the following command to inspect your target database schema to create an initial baseline for your project with plain SQL:

atlas schema inspect --url "$DB_URL" --env local --format "{{ sql . \" \"}}" > schema.sql

This command tells Atlas to connect to the database at $DB_URL, inspect it, use the Dev Database defined in the local env and format it as plain SQL. We then redirect the output from Atlas into a new file, schema.sql which we will use the the source schema for our project.

Next, update your project configuration file, atlas.hcl, to add the src attribute which tells Atlas it can find the desired state of the database in the given path:

env "local" {
src = "file://schema.sql"
dev = "docker://postgres/16/dev" // <-- Replace your with your dev database URL.

Option C: ORMs

ORMs require a bit more involvement in setting up our project, so refer to the relevant ORM guide:





All of the examples above are a result of our team's work with our users and customers. If you are missing something on this list, please don't hesitate to reach out to someone from our team!

Step 3: Verify our setup

Next, let's verify Atlas is able to read our desired schema, by introducing a new flag for the schema inspect command, --web. After running a normal inspection of our database schema, when provided with this flag, Atlas will offer to visualize our database schema in an online ER Diagram on Atlas Cloud:

atlas schema inspect --env local --url "env://src" --web

Notice that this command uses env://src as the target URL for inspection, meaning "the schema represented by the src attribute of the local environment block.

When you use the --web flag you can choose if you want to upload it a public link or privately to your Atlas Cloud account:

? Where would you like to share your schema visualization?:
▸ Publicly (
Privately (

Public links can be shared with your colleagues without requiring them to have an Atlas Cloud account while private links can only be accessed from within your account.

After choosing the option you prefer, if everything worked correctly you should see a diagram similar to this:

Alternative: Text-based Inspection

If you do not wish to visualize your schema on Atlas Cloud at this point, you can omit the --web option to get a textual representation of your schema.