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How Go Tests "go test"

· 21 min read
Rotem Tamir
Building Atlas

Adapted from a talk given at GopherCon Israel 2024


How does Go, the project, and team behind it, test go test, the Go tool's command for running tests? Does Go test go test using the go test command? In this article, we explore the evolution of how the Go team tests the Go tool (go) and discuss strategies for testing command-line tools written in Go in general.

CLIs and Go

If you are a software engineer in 2024, you are most likely using a CLI tool written a tool to perform some critical part of your work. Perhaps you're using docker, to build and run container images or kubectl to interact with a kubernetes cluster. Maybe you're using terraform to manage your infrastructure as code. Maybe you're using atlas (the project I work on) to manage your database schema as code. You could be using trivy to scan your code for vulnerabilities or gh to interact with your code on GitHub.

Go is a fantastic language for writing CLI tools, and today we're going to try and study some of the strategies that you can employ to test CLI tools by looking at how the Go team tests the go tool.


My personal motivation for digging into this topic arose from my work on Atlas, a database schema as code tool. Atlas is a CLI written in Go (see our GitHub repo), that has sometimes been described as a "Terraform for databases." It is used by many companies big and small to streamline their database schema management process.

One of the first decisions Ariel (my co-founder) and I made when we started to work on Atlas was that we were going to be employing a continuous delivery strategy, shipping new features and bug fixes to our users as soon as they were ready, often times multiple times a day. This meant that we needed to have a robust testing strategy in place to ensure that we were shipping high-quality software to our users. After all, we were building a tool that was going to be used by other developers to manage their most critical data assets.

Testing CLI tools

Before we dive into how the Go team tests the go tool, let's take a step back and think about what CLI testing is all about. Testing CLIs has it's unique challenges, but at the end of the day, it's very similar to testing any other piece of software.

As with all automated tests, we can identify four discrete phases with CLI tests which I characterize as the "Quadruple A" of testing:

  • Arrange: We setup the environment for the test. For CLI tests this typically involves creating temporary files, and setting up environment variables.
  • Act: When testing server software we would issue a request, but when testing CLIs, this means executing the binary under test, often supplying it with command-line arguments, flags, and potentially piping data into STDIN.
  • Assert: We consume the output streams (STDOUT, STDERR) and compare them to expected values. We also check the exit code of the process, and any side effects that the command may have had on the environment.
  • And... cleanup: We clean up the environment, removing any temporary files, and resetting any environment variables that we may have changed. Failing to do this can lead to flaky tests - which debugging is arguably one of the worst things in software development.

How the Go team tests go test

With that in mind let's now explore how testing the go tool has evolved over time.

This section is mostly built upon a terrific and detailed commit message on CL #123577 by Russ Cox. I highly recommend reading the original commit message for a more detailed explanation of the evolution of the Go test suite.

2012-2015: test.bash

In the early days of Go, the Go test suite was tested using a shell script called test.bash. This script started out as a simple 30-40 line script that ran the go tool with various flags and options and checked the output. Over time, as the Go tool grew in complexity, so did the test.bash script. It eventually grew to be a 1500+ line shell script that tested the go tool in a variety of ways. The tests looked something like this:

TEST 'file:line in error messages'
# Test that error messages have file:line information at beginning of
# the line. Also test issue 4917: that the error is on stderr.
d=$(TMPDIR=/var/tmp mktemp -d -t testgoXXX)
echo "package main" > $fn
echo 'import "bar"' >> $fn
./testgo run $fn 2>$d/err.out || true
if ! grep -q "^$fn:" $d/err.out; then
echo "missing file:line in error message"
cat $d/err.out
rm -r $d

If you examine the test above, you will see that it is comprised of the same four phases that we discussed earlier: Arrange, Act, Assert, and Cleanup:

  • Arrange: The test creates a temporary directory and a temporary file.
  • Act: The test runs the go tool with the run subcommand and pipes the output to a file.
  • Assert: The test checks that the output contains the filename and line number of the error.
  • Cleanup: The test removes the temporary directory.

Russ writes about the test.bash script:

The original cmd/go tests were tiny shell scripts written against a library of shell functions.

They were okay to write but difficult to run: you couldn't select individual tests (with -run) they didn't run on Windows, they were slow, and so on.

The tests had always been awkward to write.

2015-2018: testgo

In June 2015, CL #10464 introduced go_test.go. This file contained a basic framework for writing Go tests for the go tool named testgo. The same test from above, written in Go, looked something like this:

func TestFileLineInErrorMessages(t *testing.T) {
tg := testgo(t)
defer tg.cleanup()
tg.tempFile("err.go", `package main; import "bar"`)
path := tg.path("err.go")
tg.runFail("run", path)
shortPath := path
if rel, err := filepath.Rel(tg.pwd(), path);
err == nil && len(rel) < len(path) {
shortPath = rel
"missing file:line in error message",

As you can see, the test is still comprised of the same four phases: Arrange, Act, Assert, and Cleanup:

  • Arrange: The test creates a temporary file.
  • Act: The test runs the go tool with the run subcommand.
  • Assert: The test checks that the output contains the filename and line number of the error.
  • Cleanup: The test removes the temporary file. (this happens in the defer tg.cleanup() call)

Russ writes about the testgo framework:

“CL 10464 introduced go_test.go's testgo framework and later CLs translated the test shell script over to individual go tests. This let us run tests selectively, run tests on Windows, run tests in parallel, isolate different tests, and so on.

It was a big advance. It's better but still quite difficult to skim.”

2018-?: script_test.go

Most teams and projects that I know would stop here. Go's testing infrastructure, the testing package, as well as the accompanying go test tool is terrific. When coupled with some thoughtful library code, testing CLIs in Go can be a breeze. But the Go team didn't stop there. In 2018, CL #123577 introduced a new testing framework for the go tool called script_test.go.

Russ writes about it:

script_test.go brings back the style of writing tests as little scripts, but they are now scripts in a built-for-purpose shell-like language, not bash itself.

Under script_test.go, test cases are described as txt files which are txtar archives containing the test script and any accompanying files. Here's the "Hello, world" example for script_test:

# src/cmd/go/testdata/script/run_hello.txt

# this is a txtar archive

# run hello.go (defined below)
go run hello.go

# assert ‘hello world’ was printed to stderr
stderr 'hello world'

-- hello.go --
package main
func main() { println("hello world") }

As before, the test comprises the same four phases: Arrange, Act, Assert, and Cleanup:

  • Arrange: The test creates a temporary file, defined by the -- hello.go -- section.
  • Act: The test runs the go tool with the run subcommand on the temporary file.
  • Assert: The test checks that the output contains the string hello world.
  • Cleanup: Where is the cleanup code? We'll explore that in a moment.

How does script_test.go work?

script_test does a lot of cool things under the hood that makes it ideal for testing a CLI tool:

  1. Each script becomes a Go sub-test, which means from the perspective of go test, it's a normal test, that can be run in parallel, skipped, or run with the -run flag.
  2. script_test creates an isolated sandbox for each test, so that tests can't interfere with each other. Doing so enables it to run tests in parallel, which can significantly speed up the test suite.
  3. The files defined in the txtar archive are created in the sandbox, and the test is run in that directory.

After setting up, script_test runs the test script commands, line by line:

  1. Commands are run in sequence, and the output is captured into stdout and stderr buffers.
  2. Commands are expected to succeed, unless explicitly negated with ! at the beginning of the line.
  3. Many helpful assertion commands such as stdout (to check the stdout buffer), stderr (to check the stderr buffer), and cmp (to compare the contents of two files) are available.

As for cleanup, script_test automatically cleans up the sandbox after each test, removing all files and directories created during the test.

Can I use script_test.go for my CLI?

If you are writing a CLI tool in Go, I hope by now you are pretty excited about script_test.go. Wouldn't you love to have a testing framework that allows you to write tests in a shell-like language, that can be run in parallel, and that automatically cleans up after itself?

You are probably asking yourself, "Can I use script_test.go for my CLI?"

Well, surprisingly enough, the answer is:

No, you can't.

script_test.go is under an internal package in the Go repository, and it is pretty tightly coupled to the go tool.

The End.

Or is it?

Introducing testscript

In late 2018, Roger Peppe, a long time Go user, contributor and member of the Go community created a repo named rogpeppe/go-internal to factor out some useful internal packages from within the Go codebase. One of these packages is testscript, which is based on the work the Go team created for script_test.

Roger was kind enough to speak with me in preparation for this talk, so I hope that even if you've read about it before, I can share some new things you haven't heard.

script_test.go, as we mentioned, never exposed a public API, and so over the past 6 years, the package gained steam and popularity, especially among Go "insiders" - people who knew about script_test, but couldn't use it. Today, according to public GitHub data, go-internal is depended upon by over 100K repositories on GitHub.

(As a side-note, Roger pointed out to me that it's difficult to get the exact number of projects that use testscript itself, as the site omits any dependencies that run through test code. If you look at it shows that only 14 (!) packages import it)

Because script_test never had a public API, and was very tightly coupled to testing the Go tool codebase, testscript should be thought of as more of a conceptual "factoring out" than a 1:1 exporting.

Over time, many features that weren't available in the original implementation, such as generating coverage data, a standalone CLI, and auto-updated of Golden files was added.

As I will show later, testscript is a fantastic tool and we have been utilizing it in the Atlas codebase for a long time with great success. However, it is worth mentioning that in November 2023, Russ Cox published a similar package named which is also based on the script_test codebase. I haven't used it myself, but it's worth checking out.

Our example CLI: wordwrap

To demonstrate how testscript works, I've created a simple CLI tool named wordwrap. wordwrap is a simple tool that takes a path and applies simple word wrapping to all .txt files in that path. You can find the code on GitHub. Wordwrap has a few features that we would like to test:

On the simple case, suppose our current working directory contains a file named example.txt with the following content:

This is a text file with some text in it. To demonstrate wordwrap, it has more than 40 chars.

Running wordwrap:

go run ./cmd/wordwrap -path ./dir-with-txt-files

Our example.txt file would be transformed into:

This is a text file with some text in
it. To demonstrate wordwrap, it has more
than 40 chars.

By default, wordwrap wraps lines at 40 characters, but you can specify a different line length with the -width flag:

go run ./cmd/wordwrap -path ./dir-with-txt-files -width 20

Would wrap the lines at 20 characters:

This is a text file
with some text in
it. To demonstrate
wordwrap, it has
than 40 chars.

To make things more interesting, we have also added a -strict flag that will cause wordwrap to fail if any line in the file is longer than the specified width. For example, suppose our example.txt file contains a word that is 34 characters long:

It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough you'll always sound precocious

Running wordwrap with the -strict flag and a width of 20:

go run ./cmd/wordwrap -path ./hack -width 20 -strict

Would fail with an error message:

file hack/example.txt: line 2 exceeds specified width 20
exit status 1

Writing tests with testscript

Let's see how to write tests for wordwrap using testscript.

To set up, first create a file named wordwrap_test.go in your projects and create the following boilerplate code:

package wordwrap_test

import (


func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
os.Exit(testscript.RunMain(m, map[string]func() int{
"wordwrap": wordwrap.Run,

func TestScript(t *testing.T) {
testscript.Run(t, testscript.Params{
Dir: "testdata",

Here's what's happening in the code above:

  1. Our TestMain function is a setup function that prepares the test environment. It uses testscript.RunMain to tell testscript that it should create a custom command wordwrap that runs the wordwrap.Run function. This simulates having a binary named wordwrap that runs our program's main function.
  2. TestScript is where the actual magic happens. It uses testscript.Run to run the tests in the testdata directory. The testdata directory contains the test scripts that we will write in the next step.

Our first test script

Let's create a file named testdata/basic.txt with the following content:


cmp basic.txt basic.golden

-- basic.txt --
This is a text file with some text in it. To demonstrate wordwrap, it has more than 40 chars.

-- basic.golden --
This is a text file with some text in
it. To demonstrate wordwrap, it has more
than 40 chars.

As before, you will find our test script is comprised of the same four phases: Arrange, Act, Assert, and Cleanup:

  • Arrange: The test creates a temporary file, defined by the -- basic.txt -- section.
  • Act: The test runs the wordwrap command.
  • Assert: The test compares the output to the contents of the basic.golden file. This is done using the included cmp command.
  • Cleanup: There is no explicit cleanup in this test, as testscript will automatically clean up the sandbox after the test.

The awesome thing about testscript, is that from go test's perspective, basic is just a regular Go test. This means that we can execute it as we would any other test:

go test -v ./... -run TestScript/basic

This is the output you should see:

=== RUN   TestScript
=== RUN TestScript/basic
=== PAUSE TestScript/basic
=== CONT TestScript/basic
testscript.go:558: WORK=$WORK
# --- redacted for brevity ---
> wordwrap
> cmp basic.txt basic.golden

--- PASS: TestScript (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestScript/basic (0.15s)
ok (cached)

A more involved test script

Next, let's create a more involved test script that verifies additional behavior in wordwrap. Create a file named testdata/dont-touch.txt with the following content:

wordwrap -path p1.txt

! stderr .

cmp p1.txt p1.golden

exec cat dont-touch.txt
stdout 'This file shouldn''t be modified, because we invoke wordwrap with a path argument.'

-- p1.txt --
Don't communicate by sharing memory, share memory by communicating.

-- p1.golden --
Don't communicate by sharing memory,
share memory by communicating.

-- dont-touch.txt --
This file shouldn't be modified, because we invoke wordwrap with a path argument.

This test verifies that wordwrap doesn't modify files that are not passed as arguments. The test script is comprised of the same phases.

  • Arrange: The test creates p1.txt, which is the file we are going to modify, and dont-touch.txt, which is the file we don't want to modify.
  • Act: The test runs the wordwrap command with the -path flag.
  • Assert: The test compares the output to the contents of the p1.golden file. This is done using the included cmp command. The test also verifies that the dont-touch.txt file hasn't been modified.
  • Cleanup: There is no explicit cleanup in this test, as testscript will automatically clean up the sandbox after

Testing the -width flag

In addition, we should probably verify that the -width flag works as expected. Create a file named testdata/width.txt:


wordwrap -width 60

cmp effective.txt effective.golden

-- effective.txt --
This document gives tips for writing clear, idiomatic Go code. It augments the language specification, the Tour of Go, and How to Write Go Code, all of which you should read first.

Note added January, 2022: This document was written for Go's release in 2009, and has not been updated significantly since.

-- effective.golden --
This document gives tips for writing clear, idiomatic Go
code. It augments the language specification, the Tour of
Go, and How to Write Go Code, all of which you should read

Note added January, 2022: This document was written for Go's
release in 2009, and has not been updated significantly

This test script verifies that the -width flag works as expected. The test script is comprised of the same phases.

This works, but I didn't love writing it. Creating the .golden file by hand is a bit tedious, and it's easy to make mistakes. In this case, wouldn't it be great if we could create a custom command that verifies that the output is wrapped at 60 characters?

Thankfully, testscript allows us to create custom commands. Let's create a custom command named maxlen that verifies that the output is wrapped at a maximum of n characters. Add the following code to wordwrap_test.go:

// maxline verifies that the longest line in args[0] is shorter than args[1] chars.
// Usage: maxline <path> <maxline>
func maxline(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string) {
if len(args) != 2 {
ts.Fatalf("usage: maxline <path> <maxline>")
l, ok := strconv.Atoi(args[1])
if ok != nil {
ts.Fatalf("usage: maxline <path> <maxline>")
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(
tooLong := false
for scanner.Scan() {
if len(scanner.Text()) > l {
tooLong = true
if tooLong && !neg {
ts.Fatalf("line too long in %s", args[0])
if !tooLong && neg {
ts.Fatalf("no line too long in %s", args[0])

In order to use the maxline command in our test scripts, we need to register it with testscript. Update the TestScript function in wordwrap_test.go to include the following code:

func TestScript(t *testing.T) {
testscript.Run(t, testscript.Params{
Dir: "testdata",

Cmds: map[string]func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string){
"maxline": maxline,

Now we can use the maxline command in our test scripts. Create a new test named testdata/width-custom.txt with the following content:

wordwrap -width 60

! maxline effective.txt 20
maxline effective.txt 60

wordwrap -width 40
! maxline effective.txt 20
maxline effective.txt 40

wordwrap -width 20
maxline effective.txt 20

-- effective.txt --
This document gives tips for writing clear, idiomatic Go code. It augments the language specification, the Tour of Go, and How to Write Go Code, all of which you should read first.

Note added January, 2022: This document was written for Go's release in 2009, and has not been updated significantly since.

Running this test script will verify that the output is wrapped at 60 characters, 40 characters, and 20 characters:

go test -v ./... -run TestScript/width-custom


?      [no test files]
=== RUN TestScript
=== RUN TestScript/width-custom
=== PAUSE TestScript/width-custom
=== CONT TestScript/width-custom
testscript.go:558: WORK=$WORK
# --- redacted for brevity ---
> wordwrap -width 60
> ! maxline effective.txt 20
> maxline effective.txt 60
> wordwrap -width 40
> ! maxline effective.txt 20
> maxline effective.txt 40
> wordwrap -width 20
> maxline effective.txt 20

--- PASS: TestScript (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestScript/width-custom (0.19s)
ok 0.626s

Testing strict mode

Finally, let's create a test script that verifies that the -strict flag works as expected. Create a file named testdata/strict.txt with the following content:

! wordwrap -path poppins.txt -width 20 -strict
stderr 'line 2 exceeds specified width 20'

wordwrap -path poppins.txt -width 20
cmp poppins.txt poppins.golden
-- poppins.txt --
It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
-- poppins.golden --
Even though the
sound of it is
something quite

This test script verifies that wordwrap fails when a line exceeds the specified width in strict mode.


Personal impact

Aside from being a super cool tool for writing tests for CLI tools, testscript has had a significant impact on my team. We have been using it in the Atlas codebase for a long time, and it has been a game-changer for us.

Atlas, as a schema-as-code tool, is a bridge between code (files) and databases. Thus, being able to easily write tests to verify our tool's behavior in a way that is close to how our users interact with it has been invaluable.

Over the years, we have accumulated a set of custom testscript commands that allow us to write test scripts in a fluent and intuitive way. You can see this in action in the Atlas codebase, but just to give you a taste, here is how our testscript entrypoint looks like for MySQL integration tests:

func TestMySQL_Script(t *testing.T) {
myRun(t, func(t *myTest) {
testscript.Run(t.T, testscript.Params{
Dir: "testdata/mysql",
Setup: t.setupScript,
Cmds: map[string]func(ts *testscript.TestScript, neg bool, args []string){
"only": cmdOnly,
"apply": t.cmdApply,
"exist": t.cmdExist,
"synced": t.cmdSynced,
"cmphcl": t.cmdCmpHCL,
"cmpshow": t.cmdCmpShow,
"cmpmig": t.cmdCmpMig,
"execsql": t.cmdExec,
"atlas": t.cmdCLI,
"clearSchema": t.clearSchema,
"validJSON": validJSON,

Having these commands, allow us to write test scripts that are easy to read and understand, and that verify the behavior of our tool is correct. For example:

apply 1.hcl
cmpshow users 1.sql

-- 1.hcl --
schema "main" {}

table "users" {
schema = schema.main
column "id" {
null = false
type = integer
auto_increment = true
primary_key {
columns = []

-- 1.sql --

This test applies an Atlas DDL schema on a SQLite database and verifies that the schema is created correctly.


In this article, we have explored how the Go team tests the go tool, and how you can apply similar strategies to test your CLI tools using testscript.

As a team that develops tools for other developers, we take the reliability of our tools very seriously. The key to this, we have found over the years, is to have a robust testing strategy in place. This allows us to move fast (without breaking things) and to ship high-quality software to our users.


What is Schema Monitoring and Atlas v0.27

· 4 min read
Rotem Tamir
Building Atlas

Hi Everyone,

It's been a few weeks since our last release, and I'm very excited to share with you the news of Atlas v0.27. In this release, you will find:

  • Atlas Schema Monitoring: A new product that provides a set of tools and features to help you manage and monitor your database schema effectively.
  • Pay via AWS Marketplace: Atlas users can now pay for their Atlas subscription via the AWS Marketplace.
  • Atlas HCL Doc Portal: A new portal that contains always up to date, automatically generated documentation for the Atlas HCL language.

Introducing Schema Monitoring

The hallmark of this release is a new product we call Atlas Schema Monitoring. Atlas Schema Monitoring provides a set of tools and features to help you manage and monitor your database schema effectively. Teams install an agent (container) on their database VPC which tracks changes to the database schema and reports metadata to the Atlas Cloud control plane. Using this metadata Atlas Schema Monitoring provides:

  1. Live visibility of your database schema with automated ER diagrams and auto-generated documentation.
  2. A Changelog of schema changes, so you can see how schemas change over time, and easily triage schema change related issues.
  3. Alerts Use Webhooks or Slack notifications to inform or alert teams that need to know about schema changes or drift.

Starting today, we are providng one free monitored instance to all signed up Atlas users.

A Live Demo is available for you to try out.

How it works

Atlas Cloud never has direct access to your database, instead it uses a middleman, the Atlas agent, to connect to your database instead. In order for this to work, the agent needs to be installed somewhere with network connectivity to the database, usually within the same VPC as the database. In addition, the agent should have outbound connectivity to your cloud account (e.g.,

The agent then starts polling Atlas Cloud for work. Once assigned a task, it connects to the database and executes the task, e.g. "take a snapshot" and then reports back the result to Atlas Cloud. The Agent does not read or report back any user data, only meta information about the database schema.

To read more about the key concepts and features of Atlas Schema Monitoring, head over to the Overview page.

Getting started

To get started with Schema Monitoring in under 5 minutes, head over to the Quickstart guide.


Atlas Schema Monitoring is designed with the principle of minimal access in mind. The Atlas agent is designed to only require read-only access to the database schema and only requires access to system information schema tables and not user data.

Additionally, to provide further security and control, database credentials are never provided or stored in the Atlas Cloud control plane. Instead, the Atlas agent is deployed in your environment and connects to the database directly using a variety of secure methods.

To learn more about how to securely provide database credentials to the Atlas agent, head over to the Security and Credentials guide.

Pay via AWS Marketplace

Atlas users can now pay for their Atlas subscription via the AWS Marketplace. This is a great option for users who prefer to consolidate their billing and payments in one place or have AWS credits they would like to use.

To purchase Atlas quota via the AWS Marketplace, visit our Product Page.

Atlas HCL Doc Portal

Atlas enables users manage their database schema as code. One of the popular ways to define the desired state of your is via the Atlas HCL data definition language. Additionally, users have a powerful configuration language to define their project configuration.

We have added a new Atlas HCL Portal to the documentation website, which contains always up to date, automatically generated documentation for the Atlas HCL language.

Wrapping Up

That's all for this release! We hope you enjoy the new features and improvements. As always, we would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on our Discord server.

What's missing in EF Core Migrations? Announcing Atlas v0.26

· 6 min read
Rotem Tamir
Building Atlas

Hi everyone,

It's been about a month since our last release, and we're excited to announce that Atlas v0.26 is now available! In this release we are happy to introduce a new feature that has been requested by many of you: support for Entity Framework Core. As part of our ever going effort to improve the quality and coverage of our documentation, we have published a set of guides on testing database schemas and migrations as well as a new GORM Portal.

Additionally, we have published an official "Supported Version Policy" and made some changes to our EULA, described below.

To download and install the latest release of the Atlas CLI, simply run the following in your terminal:

curl -sSf | sh

What's missing in EF Core Migrations?

EF Core is the most popular ORM used in the .NET community, supported by Microsoft. EF Core allows users to manage their database schemas using its migrations. EF Core's migrations have long been a popular and reliable choice for managing database schema changes in the C# ecosystem.

However, EF Core migrations have lacks some capabilities can make them difficult to work with:

  1. Support for advanced database features. Like many ORMs, EF Core is designed to be database-agnostic, which means it does not support all the features of every database it can connect to. This can make it difficult to use and manage database features such as triggers, stored procedures, Row-level security and custom data types.
  2. Testing migrations. Migrations are typically considered the most risky part of a deployment. Therefore, automatically verifying they are safe and correct is paramount. Like most ORMs, EF Core does not provide a way to automatically test migrations.
  3. Production Grade Declarative Flow. EF Core supports a very basic declarative flow name EnsureCreated that can be used to create the database without specifying migrations. However, as the documentation warns, this method should not be used in production. For teams that want to adapt a "Terraform-for-databases" approach, this can be a blocker.
  4. Integration with modern CI/CD pipelines. EF Core migrations are typically run using the dotnet ef command line tool. Migrations should be integrated into the software delivery pipeline to ensure that the database schema is always in sync with the application code. This can be difficult to achieve with EF Core migrations.

Atlas and EF Core Migrations

Atlas is a database schema as code tool that allows developers to inspect, plan, test, and execute schema changes to their database. Atlas can be used to replace EF Core migrations with a more modern DevOps approach.

Comparing Atlas to EF Core migrations:

  • Loading Core Models. Similarly to EF Core migrations, Atlas can load the schema of an EF Core project. EF Core users can keep using the EF Core models as the source of truth for their database schema. Using the Atlas EF Core Provider, Atlas can load the schema of an EF Core project and use it as the source of truth for the database schema.

  • Composing schemas. Atlas can compose schemas from multiple sources, including EF Core models, SQL files, and external schema datasources. This enables users to natively declare schemas that layer advanced database features (such as views, triggers) as part of the schema source of truth which is not possible with EF Core.

  • Automatic planning. Similarly to EF Core migrations, with its "versioned migrations" workflow, Atlas can automatically plan schema migrations by diffing the data model with the migration directory.

  • Declarative flow. Atlas supports a declarative flow that can be used to create the database schema from scratch without using migrations. This is useful for teams that want to adapt a "Terraform-for-databases" approach.

  • Testing migrations. Atlas can automatically lint and test migrations to ensure they are safe and correct. Using this capability teams can reduce the risk of deploying migrations to production.

  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines. Atlas can be integrated into modern CI/CD pipelines using native integrations with popular CI/CD tools like GitHub Actions, CircleCI, GitLab CI, Terraform, Kubernetes, ArgoCD, and more.

Getting Started with Atlas + EF Core

As part of this version, we are happy to release the Atlas EF Core Provider.

To get started with Atlas and EF Core, head over to the Official Guide.

New GORM Portal

Over the past year, we have seen a significant increase in the number of users using GORM with Atlas. To better support GORM users in the Atlas ecosystem, we have launched a new documentation portal that provides guides, tutorials, and examples for using GORM with Atlas.

You can find the new GORM portal here.

Testing Database Schemas and Migrations

Since starting Atlas, it has been Ariel and my belief that accurate and thorough documentation is essential for the success of any software project targeted at developers. To that end, our team has been working hard to improve the quality and coverage of our documentation covering one of the most important aspects of working with Database Schema-as-Code: Testing.

As part of this set of guides you can find:

Supported Version Policy

To ensure the best performance, security and compatibility, the Atlas team will only support the three most recent minor versions of the CLI. For example, if the latest version is v0.26, the supported versions will be v0.25 and v0.24 (in addition to any patch releases and the "canary" release which is built twice a day).

As part of our this policy, binaries for versions that were published more than 6 months ago will be removed from the CDN and Docker Hub.

EULA Changes

The standard Atlas binary is provided under the Atlas EULA. We have recently made some changes to the EULA to reflect new data privacy considerations described in our CLI Data Privacy document. As part of these changes Atlas may collect anonymous telemetry (aggregated, anonymized, non-personal) data to help us improve the product. If you wish to opt-out of telemetry, you may set the ATLAS_NO_ANON_TELEMETRY environment variable to true.

The updated EULA can be found here.

Wrapping Up

That's all for this release! We hope you try out (and enjoy) all of these new features and find them useful. Stay tuned for our next release which is going to include some exciting new features around declarative flows and database schema observability.

As always, we would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on our Discord server.

Upcoming Atlas Cloud Pricing Update

· 5 min read
Rotem Tamir
Building Atlas

Hi everyone,

We are updating you on a pricing change we will be rolling out to Atlas Cloud on March 15th, 2024.

As you know, Atlas is an open-core project, which means that while its core is an Apache 2-licensed open-source project, we are building it as a commercial, cloud-connected solution built and supported by our company, Ariga. As with any startup, our understanding of the product and the market are constantly evolving, and this pricing change is a reflection of that evolution.

Atlas Plans

Even through this change, we will keep providing the Atlas community with three options for how to consume Atlas.

  • Free Plan (formerly "Community Plan") - for individuals and small teams that want to unlock the full potential of Atlas. This plan will remain free forever and provides full access to all the capabilities of Atlas as a CLI as well as access to enough Atlas Cloud quota to successfully manage a single project. Support is provided via public community support channels.

  • Business Plan (formerly "Team Plan") - for teams professionally using Atlas beyond a single project. This plan has the same features and capabilities as the Free Plan but allows teams to purchase additional quotas if required. In addition, teams subscribing to this plan will get access to priority email support and in-app support via Intercom.

  • Enterprise Plan - for larger organizations looking to solve schema management at scale. This plan includes a dedicated support channel, solution engineering, and other features required for adoption by enterprises.

Why Change

The main reason for this change is the feedback we received from many small teams that the previous $295/month minimum price tag for the Team Plan was prohibitive and that a more gradual, usage-based pricing model would help them adopt Atlas in their organizations.

New Pricing

We’ve tried to keep the new pricing model as simple as possible. We have learned from our investors, advisors, and customers that a seat-based pricing model is less optimal as it disincentivizes the adoption of Atlas by people in roles with a lower-touch engagement. As such, we have made the new pricing model usage-based. Let’s break down how this is going to work.

Projects. The first dimension by which the new model works is the number of projects that you store in the Atlas Cloud schema registry. Currently, this is equal to the number of migration directories that you migrate push to Atlas Cloud, but soon we will also add support for schema push for declarative workflows.


  • Each project will cost $59 per month.
  • The Free Plan will include a single project free of charge.

Target Databases. Each project (migration directory) can be deployed to multiple target databases. This may be different environments (dev, staging, prod) or different tenants (for projects that manage separate databases per customer).


  • Each target database will cost $39 per month.
  • The Free Plan will include 2 target databases free of charge.
  • Whenever you purchase quota for an additional project, you will also get a bundled additional target database free of charge.

If pricing by target DB doesn't work for your particular use case, please reach out to us to discuss alternative solutions.

Additional Changes

  • Seats. The free plan will include 3 seats free of charge. Teams upgrading to business will receive 30 seats (regardless of how many projects and databases they use). This limit is supposed to allow as many people as needed to use Atlas Cloud features, but still impose some limit beyond which we expect teams to consider the Enterprise Plan.

  • Data Retention. Atlas users generate plenty of data which we store in our databases. To prevent it from becoming unsustainable for us to support free users over the long run, we are imposing a 30-day data retention limit on CI runs and deployment logs for free users. Business users get 90-day retention by default. If this becomes an issue for you, feel free to reach out to us and we will work something out.

  • Runs. Free Plan users can now report up to 100 CI Runs or Deployments (previously 500) per month in their cloud account. Business and Enterprise users can store an unlimited amount of runs.

Thanking Existing Users

As a way of saying thanks to existing early users who have trusted us to be part of their engineering infrastructure, we have worked out a few options for you to continue using Atlas without interruption. We will be reaching out to admins of these accounts personally to share the details.

This doesn’t work for me

If these changes cause an issue for you or you would like to discuss your specific pricing needs, please let me know personally via Email, Discord, Intercom, or Homing Pigeon 🙂.

-- Rotem and Ariel

Announcing v0.15: Interactive Declarative Migrations, Functions, Procedures and Domains

· 11 min read
Rotem Tamir
Building Atlas

Hi everyone!

It's been a few weeks since our last version announcement and today I'm happy to share with you
v0.15, which includes some very exciting improvements for Atlas:

  • Interactive Declarative Migrations - Atlas supports a Terraform-like workflow for managing your database schema using the schema apply command. In this release we have added a new "Lint and Edit" mode to this command, which will analyze your schema changes for issues and will allow you to edit them interactively before applying them to your database.
  • Functions and Stored Procedures - Atlas now supports creating and managing functions and stored procedures in your database schema.
  • Postgres Domains - In addition, Atlas now supports Postgres Domains . A domain is essentially a data type with optional constraints (restrictions on the allowed set of values).
  • TypeORM Integration - TypeORM is a popular ORM for Node.js. In this release, we are happy to announce the TypeORM integration, which allows you to automatically generate your database schema from your TypeORM entities, create visualizations and more.

Let's dive right in!

Interactive Declarative Migrations

Atlas supports a Terraform-like workflow for managing your database schema using the schema apply command. This workflow, which we call "Declarative Migrations", is a modern alternative to the traditional "versioned migrations" workflow. In declarative migrations, you define your desired schema in one of the formats supported by Atlas and supply a connection string to your database. Atlas compares the current and desired schema of your database and generates a plan to migrate your database to the desired state.

Similar to Terraform, until today, Atlas would prompt you to confirm the migration plan before applying it to your database. This is a great way to ensure that you don't accidentally apply a migration that you didn't intend to. However, this flow suffers from a few drawbacks:

  1. Ensuring Safety - you can count on Atlas to generate a correct migration plan to your desired state, but it's still possible that this migration will have unintended side effects. For example, adding a UNIQUE constraint to a column might fail if there are duplicate values in the column.
  2. Editing - users often want to make changes to their migration plan before applying it. In the current flow, this requires running schema apply with the --dry-run flag, saving the output to a file, editing it, and then manually applying the edited migration plan to the database.

Enter: Interactive Declarative Migrations

In this release, we are introducing a new "Lint and Edit" mode to the schema apply command. This mode is available to logged-in users only, as it uses Atlas Cloud to provide a neat UI and rich analysis capabilities. Let's see it in action.

Start by downloading the latest version of Atlas:

curl -sSf | sh

For installation instructions on other platforms, see the installation guide.

After installing Atlas, make sure to log in using the atlas login command:

atlas login

Next, create a new file named schema.hcl that will contain your desired schema:

schema "main" {

table "hello" {
schema = schema.main
column "name" {
type = varchar(100)
default = "Anonymous"

Now, let's apply this schema to a local SQLite database named "sqlite.db":

atlas schema apply -u sqlite://sqlite.db --dev-url sqlite://?mode=memory -f schema.hcl

Atlas will calculate the diff between the current (empty) state of the database and our desired state and prompt us to confirm the migration plan:

-- Planned Changes:
-- Create "hello" table
CREATE TABLE `hello` (`name` varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Anonymous');
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Are you sure?:
▸ Lint and edit # <-- Brand new!

Notice the new "Lint and edit" option. Select it and press Enter. Atlas will now analyze the migration plan and open your browser in the new, interactive migration plan screen. The screen contains three important sections:

  • Migration Plan - the migration plan generated by Atlas. You can click the "Edit" button to make changes to it.
  • Checks - a summary of the checks that Atlas ran against the generated plan. In this case, our plan is completely safe, so all checks passed.
  • ERD - A visual representation of the change we are planning.

Once we are content with the migration plan, let's go ahead and click the "Approve and Apply" button. Atlas will apply the migration plan to the database and scroll down to the execution logs section:

Let's edit our desired state a bit to delete the hello table and add a new users table:

schema "main" {
-table "hello" {
- schema = schema.main
- column "name" {
- type = varchar(100)
- default = "Anonymous"
- }
+table "users" {
+ schema = schema.main
+ column "id" {
+ type = int
+ }
+ column "email" {
+ type = text
+ }
+ primary_key {
+ columns = []
+ }
+ index "unique_email" {
+ columns = [
+ ]
+ unique = true
+ }

Once again, let's run atlas schema apply to apply the changes to the database and select the "Lint and Edit" option.

This time, Atlas will warn us that the migration plan is not safe:

In this case, we decide to abort the migration in order to not lose the precious data on the hello table. Good thing we have automatic migration linting on our side!

Functions and Stored Procedures


Functions and stored procedures are currently in beta and available to logged-in users only. To use this feature run:

atlas login

Over the past few months, we have received numerous requests to support management of functions and stored procedures in popular databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL. Functions and stored procedures are a way to encapsulate reusable logic in your database and are often used to improve performance by reducing the number of round-trips to the database.

Atlas now supports creating and managing functions and stored procedures in your database schema. Let's see how we can use this feature to create a simple function. In our example, we will implement the leet_speak function for PostgreSQL, which transforms a regular string into its Leet equivalent!

We can define the desired state of our database in either HCL or SQL:

function "leet_speak" {
schema = schema.public
lang = PLpgSQL
arg "input_text" {
type = character_varying
return = character_varying
as = <<-SQL
output_text VARCHAR := '';
i INT := 1;
WHILE i <= LENGTH(input_text) LOOP
output_text := output_text ||
CASE SUBSTRING(input_text, i, 1)
WHEN 'a' THEN '4'
WHEN 'e' THEN '3'
WHEN 'i' THEN '1'
WHEN 'o' THEN '0'
WHEN 's' THEN '5'
WHEN 't' THEN '7'
ELSE SUBSTRING(input_text, i, 1)
i := i + 1;

RETURN output_text;
schema "public" {
comment = "standard public schema"

For the purpose of this demo, we will run a local MySQL Docker container:

docker run --name db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pass -d -p 5432:5432 postgres:16

Now, let's apply our schema to the database:

atlas schema apply -u 'postgres://postgres:pass@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable&search_path=public' --to file://schema.hcl

Atlas will calculate the diff between the current (empty) state of the database and our desired state and prompt us to confirm the migration plan:

-- Planned Changes:
-- Create "leet_speak" function
CREATE FUNCTION "leet_speak" ("input_text" character varying) RETURNS character varying LANGUAGE PLpgSQL AS $$
output_text VARCHAR := '';
i INT := 1;
WHILE i <= LENGTH(input_text) LOOP
output_text := output_text ||
CASE SUBSTRING(input_text, i, 1)
WHEN 'a' THEN '4'
WHEN 'e' THEN '3'
WHEN 'i' THEN '1'
WHEN 'o' THEN '0'
WHEN 's' THEN '5'
WHEN 't' THEN '7'
ELSE SUBSTRING(input_text, i, 1)
i := i + 1;

RETURN output_text;
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Are you sure?:
▸ Apply

Let's go ahead and select the "Apply" option. Atlas will apply the migration plan to the database and print the following output:

✔ Apply

We can now verify that the function was created successfully by running:

docker exec -it db psql -U postgres -c "SELECT leet_speak('hello leet world')"

And the result indeed is:

h3ll0 l337 w0rld
(1 row)

To learn more about functions and stored procedures in Atlas, check out the documentation.

Postgres Domains


Support for domains is currently in beta and available to logged-in users only. To use this feature run:

atlas login

Another highly requested feature was support for Postgres Domains. A domain is essentially a data type with optional constraints (restrictions on the allowed set of values). For example, you might want to define an email_address domain which would be a varchar column with a CHECK constraint to ensure that the value is a valid email address.

Starting with v0.15, Atlas can now manage domains in your database schema, as well as use them as types for table columns. Let's see an example schema that uses domains:

domain "us_postal_code" {
schema = schema.public
type = text
null = true
check "us_postal_code_check" {
expr = "((VALUE ~ '^\\d{5}$'::text) OR (VALUE ~ '^\\d{5}-\\d{4}$'::text))"

domain "username" {
schema = schema.public
type = text
null = false
default = "anonymous"
check "username_length" {
expr = "(length(VALUE) > 3)"

table "users" {
schema = schema.public
column "name" {
type = domain.username
column "zip" {
type = domain.us_postal_code

schema "public" {
comment = "standard public schema"

The above schema defines two domains: us_postal_code and username. The us_postal_code domain is a text column with a CHECK constraint to ensure that the value is a valid US postal code. The username domain is a text column with a CHECK constraint to ensure that the value is at least 4 characters long. We then define a users table that uses these domains for its columns.

Let's see what happens when we apply this schema to a local Postgres database:

atlas schema apply -u 'postgres://postgres:pass@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable' -f schema.hcl

Atlas calculates the diff between the current (empty) state of the database and our desired state and prompts us to confirm the migration plan:

-- Planned Changes:
-- Create domain type "us_postal_code"
CREATE DOMAIN "public"."us_postal_code" AS text CONSTRAINT "us_postal_code_check" CHECK ((VALUE ~ '^\d{5}$'::text) OR (VALUE ~ '^\d{5}-\d{4}$'::text));
-- Create domain type "username"
CREATE DOMAIN "public"."username" AS text DEFAULT 'anonymous' NOT NULL CONSTRAINT "username_length" CHECK (length(VALUE) > 3);
-- Create "users" table
CREATE TABLE "public"."users" ("name" "public"."username" NOT NULL, "zip" "public"."us_postal_code" NOT NULL);
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Are you sure?:
▸ Apply

After applying, let's re-run the schema apply command to make sure that the schema is up-to-date:

atlas schema apply -u 'postgres://postgres:pass@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable' --to file://schema.hcl

Indeed, Atlas reports that the schema is up-to-date:

Schema is synced, no changes to be made

Support for TypeORM

TypeORM is a popular ORM for Node.js. In this release, we are happy to announce the TypeORM integration, which allows you to automatically generate your database schema from your TypeORM entities, create visualizations, and more.

The TypeORM Atlas Provider is a Node.js module that can extract the desired schema of your database directly from your TypeORM entities. To use it, first install:

npm i @ariga/atlas-provider-typeorm

Next, add the TypeORM schema as a data source in your atlas.hcl file:

data "external_schema" "typeorm" {
program = [
"--path", "./path/to/entities",
"--dialect", "mysql", // mariadb | postgres | sqlite | mssql

env "typeorm" {
src = data.external_schema.typeorm.url
dev = "docker://mysql/8/dev"
migration {
dir = "file://migrations"
format {
migrate {
diff = "{{ sql . \" \" }}"

Finally, run atlas schema apply to apply the schema to your database:

atlas schema apply -u mysql://<db credentials> --env typeorm

To learn more about the TypeORM integration, check out the documentation.

Wrapping up

That's it! I hope you try out (and enjoy) all of these new features and find them useful. As always, we would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on our Discord server.

Automatic migrations for Microsoft SQL Server

· 6 min read
Rotem Tamir
Building Atlas

In this guide we will demonstrate how to use Atlas to automatically generate migrations for Microsoft SQL Server databases.

To skip the intro and go straight to the demo, click here.


As your application's data model evolves, you will need to make changes to your database schema. In today's world, where teams are expected to own their infrastructure and ship code faster than ever, it is important to have a reliable and repeatable process for managing database schema changes.

Atlas lets you manage your database schema as code. It is a modern schema management tool that applies concepts from modern DevOps tools to database schema management. Using Atlas, teams can automatically plan, verify, deploy and monitor database schema changes.

Microsoft SQL Server, one of the longest-standing database engines in our business, was first released by Microsoft in 1989. MS-SQL is the go-to database for Windows environments in many industries.

In this guide, we will demonstrate how to use Atlas to automatically generate migrations for your Microsoft SQL Server databases.

Setting up

  1. Start by installing the Atlas CLI, if you haven't already. On macOS and Linux simply run:

    curl -sSf | sh

    For other platforms, see the installation instructions.

  2. The SQL Server driver is currently available to users of Atlas Cloud Beta Program. To join the program (for free), first sign up for an Atlas Cloud account.

  3. Once your inside your Atlas account, go to the account settings by clicking your avatar. Then, select the "Microsoft SQL Server" and click the "Save" button.

  4. After you have opted-in to the Beta Program, log in to your Atlas account using the CLI:

    $ atlas login
    You are now connected to "a8m" on Atlas Cloud.

Demo time!

In this guide, we will demonstrate some of the basic capabilities of Atlas by working against a local Microsoft SQL Server database.

To spin up a local SQL Server instance using docker run:

docker run --rm -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=P@ssw0rd0995' -p 1433:1433 -d

Notice that by passing the ACCEPT_EULA environment variable, we are accepting the terms of Microsoft's EULA.

Managing your database schema as code

Atlas supports a workflow called declarative schema migrations. In this workflow, you first define the desired state of your database schema (in one of many supported formats and languages) and then let Atlas calculate the diff between the desired state and the actual state of your database. Atlas then generates the needed SQL commands that will bring your database to the desired state.

Let's see this in action. First, create a new file name schema.sql. This file will contain the desired state of our database in plain SQL.

-- Create the users table
display_name NVARCHAR(255)

-- Create the posts table with a custom name for the FK constraint
title NVARCHAR(255),
body TEXT,
author_id INT,
CONSTRAINT author_fk FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES users(id)

Applying our schema

Next, let's apply this schema to our database. To do so, we will use the atlas schema apply command.

atlas schema apply -u "sqlserver://sa:P@ssw0rd0995@localhost:1433?database=master" \
--to file://schema.sql \
--dev-url "docker://sqlserver"

Atlas will connect to our target database to inspect it's current state. Next, it will use the dev-database to normalize our schema and finally, it will generate the SQL commands that will bring our database to the desired state:

-- Planned Changes:
-- Create "users" table
CREATE TABLE [users] ([id] int NOT NULL, [email] nvarchar(255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [display_name] nvarchar(255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_users] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([id] ASC));
-- Create index "UQ__users__AB6E61643C9DEB30" to table: "users"
CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UQ__users__AB6E61643C9DEB30] ON [users] ([email] ASC);
-- Create "posts" table
CREATE TABLE [posts] ([id] int NOT NULL, [title] nvarchar(255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [body] text COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [author_id] int NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_posts] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([id] ASC), CONSTRAINT [post_author_fk] FOREIGN KEY ([author_id]) REFERENCES [users] ([id]) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION);

Atlas prompts us to approve the changes before applying them to the database:

Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Are you sure?:
▸ Apply

After applying the schema, Atlas confirms that the changes were applied:

✔ Apply

Next, let's re-run the atlas schema apply command. This time, Atlas will detect that the database is already in the desired state and will not generate any changes:

Schema is synced, no changes to be made.

Altering our schema

Now, let's make some changes to our schema. Open the schema.sql file and add a new column to the users table:

display_name NVARCHAR(255),
+ bio text

Next, let's re-run the atlas schema apply command. This time, Atlas will detect that the schema has changed and will generate the needed SQL commands to bring the database to the desired state:

-- Planned Changes:
-- Modify "users" table
ALTER TABLE [users] ADD [bio] text COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL;

After applying the changes, Atlas confirms once again that the changes were applied:

✔ Apply

Visualizing our schema

One of the most useful features of Atlas is the ability to visualize your database schema. To do so, run the atlas schema inspect command with the -w (web) flag:

atlas schema inspect -u "sqlserver://sa:P@ssw0rd0995@localhost:1433?database=master" -w

Atlas will ask whether you would like to create your visualization publicly (in a publicly accessible URL) or privately (in your Atlas Cloud account):

Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Where would you like to share your schema visualization?:
▸ Publicly (
Privately (

For this demo, let's choose the public option. Atlas will create the visualization and open it in your default browser:

See it for yourself at:

Wrapping up

In this guide we have demonstrated how to set up Atlas to manage your Microsoft SQL Server database schema. We have also demonstrated some of the basic capabilities of Atlas, such as declarative schema migrations, and schema visualization. These two features are just the tip of the iceberg. Atlas has many more features that can help you better manage your database! To learn more, check out the Atlas documentation.

As always, we would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on our Discord server.

Revamping the GitHub Actions Experience for Atlas

· 5 min read
Rotem Tamir
Building Atlas

Hi everyone!

I'm very happy to share with you some of the recent improvements to Atlas, specifcially around GitHub Actions. In August of last year, we released our first version of the GitHub Actions experience for Atlas. It was a modest start, which included the ability to verify the safety and correctness of schema migrations during the CI process.

Over the past year, we have slowly added more features to the GitHub Actions experience, including the ability to sync migration directories to Atlas Cloud, deploy migrations, and even install Atlas. As often happens with quickly evolving systems, we felt that the API became complex, carrying over use cases and experiences that have become obsolete or superseded by better ones since the initial release.

At Ariga, the team developing Atlas, we have written a document named the "R&D Manifesto", which lists some the principles that we commit to as individuals and as an organization. One of them is "Obsess over APIs and DevEx" - we believe that the key to building a successful product is to provide the best possible experience to our users, and that starts with clear, consistent and composable APIs that empower our users to achieve amazing feats of engineering.

With that in mind, our team has been working hard in the past few weeks to revamp the GitHub Actions experience for Atlas. Here's a quick summary of the changes:

  1. We've moved all actions into a single repo - ariga/atlas-action. (With the exception of ariga/setup-atlas.)
  2. The API has been reviewed and updated to make sure it is consistent among the different actions and with the rest of the Atlas ecosystem.
  3. We've rewritten the code in Go, which is the language we use for all of our internal tools. This allows us to share code between the CLI and the GitHub Actions, and to provide a more consistent experience between the two. In addition, looking forward we have greatly simplified the process of adding new GitHub Actions as needed.

Deprecation Notice

As part of this change we are deprecating the previous generation of GitHub Actions, and we encourage you to migrate to the new ones as soon as possible. The old actions will continue to work for the time being, but we will not be receiving any updates. These actions are:

Introducing to the New Actions

Without further ado, I'm happy to present the new generation of GitHub Actions for Atlas. The new actions follow the design principle of building actions as small, composable units that can be combined to achieve different outcomes. All of the actions rely on Atlas being installed on the GitHub Actions runner, which is done using the ariga/setup-atlas action. The rest of the actions essentially map to CLI commands, and can be used to build more complex workflows.

The actions are:

ActionUse Case
ariga/setup-atlasInstall Atlas from a GitHub Actions workflow
ariga/atlas-action/migrate/lintCI for schema changes
ariga/atlas-action/migrate/pushPush your migration directory to Atlas Cloud (
ariga/atlas-action/migrate/applyDeploy versioned migrations from GitHub Actions

Example Workflows

Consider the following GitHub Actions workflow, which can be used to implement a CI/CD pipeline for your database schema changes.

name: Atlas CI/CD
- master # Use your main branch here.
- 'migrations/*' # Use the path to your migration directory here.
# Permissions to write comments on the pull request.
contents: read
pull-requests: write
# Spin up a mysql:8 container to be used as the dev-database for analysis.
image: mysql:8
- 3306:3306
options: >-
--health-cmd "mysqladmin ping -ppass"
--health-interval 10s
--health-start-period 10s
--health-timeout 5s
--health-retries 10
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- uses: ariga/setup-atlas@v0
cloud-token: ${{ secrets.ATLAS_CLOUD_TOKEN }}
- uses: ariga/atlas-action/migrate/lint@v1
dir: 'file://migrations'
dir-name: 'my-project' # The name of the project in Atlas Cloud
dev-url: "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3306/dev"
- uses: ariga/atlas-action/migrate/push@v1
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
dir: 'file://migrations'
dir-name: 'my-project'
dev-url: 'mysql://root:pass@localhost:3306/dev' # Use the service name "mysql" as the hostname

This workflow uses 3 different actions to achieve the following:

  • ariga/setup-atlas - Installs Atlas on the GitHub Actions runner and logs in using the provided token.
  • ariga/atlas-action/migrate/lint - Lints the migration directory and verifies that it is safe to apply. This is run on every pull request that modifies the migration directory. If issues are found, the action will fail and a comment will be posted on the pull request with the details.
  • ariga/atlas-action/migrate/push - Pushes the migration directory to Atlas Cloud. This is run on every push to the main branch, so it can be used to deploy the migrations to production.

Tagging v1

With the release of the new actions, we are also tagging the v1 release of the actions to mark the maturity and stability of the API. We hope you will find the new actions useful, and we look forward to seeing what you build with them!

How can we make Atlas better?

We would love to hear from you on our Discord server ❤️.

Announcing v0.14.0: Checkpoints, Push to Cloud and JetBrains Editor Support

· 6 min read
Rotem Tamir
Building Atlas

Hi everyone!

It's been a few weeks since our last version announcement and today I'm happy to share with you
v0.14, which includes some very exciting improvements for Atlas:

  • Checkpoints - as your migration directory grows, replaying it from scratch can become annoyingly slow. Checkpoints allow you to save the state of your database at a specific point in time and replay migrations from that point forward.
  • Push to the Cloud - you can now push your migration directory to Atlas Cloud directly from the CLI. Think of it like docker push for your database migrations.
  • JetBrains Editor Support - After launching our VSCode Extension a few months ago, our team has been hard at work to bring the same experience to JetBrains IDEs. Starting today, you can use Atlas directly from your favorite JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ, PyCharm, GoLand, etc.) using the new Atlas plugin.

Let's dive right in!


Suppose your project has been going on for a while, and you have a migration directory with 100 migrations. Whenever you need to install your application from scratch (such as during development or testing), you need to replay all migrations from start to finish to set up your database. Depending on your setup, this may take a few seconds or more. If you have a checkpoint, you can replay only the migrations that were added since the latest checkpoint, which can be much faster.

Here's a short example. Let's say we have a migration directory with 2 migration files, managing a SQLite database. The first one creates a table named t1:

create table t1 ( c1 int );

And the second adds a table named t2 and adds a column named c2 to t1:

create table t2 ( c1 int, c2 int );

alter table t1 add column c2 int;

To create a checkpoint, we can run the following command:

atlas migrate checkpoint --dev-url "sqlite://file?mode=memory&_fk=1"

This will create a SQL file, which is our checkpoint:

-- atlas:checkpoint

-- Create "t1" table
CREATE TABLE `t1` (`c1` int NULL, `c2` int NULL);
-- Create "t2" table
CREATE TABLE `t2` (`c1` int NULL, `c2` int NULL);

Notice two things:

  1. The atlas:checkpoint directive which indicates that this file is a checkpoint.
  2. The SQL statement to create the t1 table included both the c1 and c2 columns and does not contain the alter table statement. This is because the checkpoint includes the state of the database at the time it was created, which can be thought of as the sum of all migrations that were applied up to that point.

Next, let's apply these migrations on a local SQLite database:

atlas migrate apply --url sqlite://local.db

Atlas prints:

Migrating to version 20230830123813 (1 migrations in total):

-- migrating version 20230830123813
-> CREATE TABLE `t1` (`c1` int NULL, `c2` int NULL);
-> CREATE TABLE `t2` (`c1` int NULL, `c2` int NULL);
-- ok (960.465µs)

-- 6.895124ms
-- 1 migrations
-- 2 sql statements

As expected, Atlas skipped all of the migrations up to the checkpoint and only applied the last one!

Push to Cloud

As we demonstrated above, once we have a migration directory, we can apply it to a database. If your database is running locally this is easy enough, but building deployment pipelines to production databases is more involved. There are multiple ways to accomplish this, such as building custom Docker images, as shown in most methods covered in the guides section.

In this release, we simplified the process of pushing migration directories to Atlas Cloud by adding a new atlas migrate push command. You can think of it as docker push for your database migrations.

atlas migrate push

Migration Directory created with atlas migrate push

Continuing with our example from above, let's push our migration directory to Atlas Cloud.

To start, you'll need to log in to Atlas. If it's your first time, you'll be prompted to create both an account and a workspace.

atlas login

After logging in, let's name our new migration project pushdemo and run:

atlas migrate push pushdemo --dev-url "sqlite://file?mode=memory&_fk=1"

After our migration directory is pushed, Atlas prints a URL to the created directory, similar to the one shown in the image above.

Once your migration directory is pushed, you can use it to apply migrations to your database directly from the cloud, just as you would execute docker run to run a container image that is stored in a Docker container registry.

To apply a migration directory directly from the cloud, run:

atlas migrate apply --dir atlas://pushdemo --url sqlite://local.db

Notice two flags that we used here:

  • --dir - specifies the URL of the migration directory. We used atlas://pushdemo to indicate that we want to use the migration directory named pushdemo that we pushed earlier. This directory is accessible to us because we used atlas login in a previous step.
  • --url - specifies the URL of the database we want to apply the migrations to. In this case, we used the same SQLite database that we used earlier.

JetBrains Editor Support

JetBrains makes some of the most popular IDEs for software developers, including IntelliJ, PyCharm, GoLand, and more. We are happy to announce that following our recent release of the VSCode Extension, we now have a plugin for JetBrains IDEs as well!

The plugin is built to make editing Atlas HCL files much easier by providing developers with syntax highlighting, code completion, and warnings. It supports both atlas.hcl project configuration files as well as schema definition files (.my.hcl, .pg.hcl, and .lt.hcl).

The plugin is available for download from the JetBrains Marketplace.

  1. To install the plugin, open your IDE and go to Preferences > Plugins > Marketplace and search for Atlas:

  2. Click on the Install button to install the plugin.

  3. Create a new file named (the .my.hcl suffix signifies to the plugin that this file is a MySQL schema (you can use .pg.hcl for Postgres or .lt.hcl for SQLite)

  4. Edit away!

Wrapping up

That's it! I hope you try out (and enjoy) all of these new features and find them useful. As always, we would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on our Discord server.

Passwordless Schema Migrations on RDS with Atlas

· 6 min read
Rotem Tamir
Building Atlas


Atlas now supports AWS IAM authentication, which enables you to perform passwordless schema migrations on your RDS databases. To use it with Atlas, add the aws_rds_token data source to your atlas.hcl configuration file:

data "aws_rds_token" "mydb" {
endpoint = ""
username = "atlas"

To skip the intro and jump straight to the tutorial, click here.


Passwords have long been the default mechanism for authentication, but they come with a set of known vulnerabilities. In recent years, our industry has shifted towards alternative authentication methods due to these weaknesses. For databases, which store critical data, this security concern is even more important.

Schema migrations require elevated permissions, making it even more essential to approach them with utmost care in order to prevent security breaches. In this post, we'll show how to use Atlas to perform passwordless schema migrations on databases hosted in AWS's RDS service.

The Problem with Passwords

Passwords are considered a weak authentication mechanism for humans logging in to systems since they can be leaked or guessed. For this reason, many services offer more robust authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication or single sign-on.

In this post, we'll focus on the security concerns of passwords (or API Tokens) for automated systems (such as CI/CD pipelines), which are used to perform schema migrations. Such tokens pose a challenge to securing systems in a few ways:

  • Leaks. When stored in configuration files, passwords are typically in plain text, increasing the risk of leaks.
  • Granularity. When passwords are shared among multiple users, it becomes challenging to grant and revoke access for individual users based on role changes or emerging security concerns.
  • Visibility. Because passwords are usually visible to operators and are shared by multiple users, it's hard to track who performed which operation once authenticated.
  • Rotation. Because passwords tend to be long-lived, their rotation becomes a cumbersome task.

IAM Authentication

IAM, short for Identity and Access Management, is a framework that has been adopted by virtually all cloud providers for managing digital identities and their permissions. Unlike traditional password-based systems where credentials are stored and checked, IAM verifies who (or what) is making a request and then checks the permissions associated with that identity.

IAM services supply mechanisms for generating short-lived tokens based on the identity of the caller. In addition, these services provide a centralized way to manage permissions (by creating granular access policies and grouping them into roles) and auditing capabilities to track how subjects (users or services) use the system.

Configured correctly, under IAM, every subject can access exactly what it needs and nothing more, without ever having to use a password or some other token that might be leaked or stolen. When a person leaves your organization (or no longer needs access to a particular resource), you can revoke their access by updating their IAM role.

IAM authentication for Databases

Most databases in use today predate IAM and have developed their own internal mechanisms for authentication and authorization. In recent years, cloud vendors have worked to create a bridge between IAM and databases, allowing users to authenticate their identity to databases using IAM credentials. In this post, we'll focus on AWS's implementation of IAM authentication for RDS databases.

How does it work?

First, enable IAM authentication on your RDS instance. This installs a plugin on the database that allows it to authenticate users with IAM credentials instead of passwords. Read how to do this in the AWS documentation

Next, create a database user and grant it permission to authenticate using IAM.

In MySQL, execute a statement like this:

CREATE USER 'atlas' IDENTIFIED WITH AWSAuthenticationPlugin as 'RDS';

In PostgreSQL, execute a statement like this:

GRANT rds_iam TO atlas;

Finally, create an IAM policy that allows subjects to create RDS connection tokens. This policy can then be attached to roles for developers or services that need to connect to the database. Read how to do this in the AWS documentation.

IAM Authentication with Atlas

Tools that perform schema migrations such as Atlas require elevated permissions to perform their tasks. For example, they need to be able to inspect the database's information schema tables as well as create and drop resources. For this reason, any mechanism that can further protect the security of their credentials is essential, making IAM authentication a great fit. To support this use case, we have recently added support for AWS IAM authentication to Atlas.

Demo Time!

Let's see how to use Atlas to perform passwordless schema migrations on an RDS database.

For the purpose of this demo, we assume that we have a PostgreSQL database running in RDS with IAM authentication enabled. We also assume that we have a user named atlas that has been granted the rds_iam permission and that we have created an IAM policy that allows us to generate RDS tokens.

Start by creating a new file named atlas.hcl to store our project configuration and add the following content:

// Define local variables for the database endpoint and username.
locals {
endpoint = ""
username = "atlas"

// Use the "aws_rds_token" data source to generate a token for the database.
data "aws_rds_token" "db" {
endpoint = local.endpoint
username = local.username
region = "us-east-1"

// Define an environment named "rds" that uses the generated token.
env "rds" {
url = "postgres://${local.username}:${urlescape(data.aws_rds_token.db)}@${local.endpoint}/postgres"

Lets break this example down:

  • The locals block defines two variables – endpoint and username – that we use to store the database endpoint and the username of the user created in the database.
  • Next, we define an aws_rds_token data source to generate a token for the database. To read more about this data source, see the documentation.
  • Finally, we define an environment named rds that uses the generated token. The url property defines the connection URL that Atlas will use to connect to the database. Notice that we use the urlescape function to escape the token before embedding it in the URL.

Now that we have our project configuration, let's use Atlas to inspect the database schema. Run the following command:

atlas schema inspect -c "file://atlas.hcl" --env rds

You should see output similar to the following:

schema "public" {

Amazing! This output indicates that Atlas was able to both connect to the database and inspect the schema without us having to provide it with any credentials!

Wrapping up

In this post, we discussed the security concerns around passwords and how IAM authentication can help mitigate them. We also demonstrated how to use Atlas to perform passwordless schema migrations on an RDS database using IAM authentication. If you use Atlas to perform schema migrations on RDS databases, we encourage you to give IAM authentication a try!

How can we make Atlas better?

We would love to hear from you on our Discord server ❤️.

Bridging the gap between IaC and Schema Management

· 11 min read
Rotem Tamir
Building Atlas


When we started building Atlas a couple of years ago, we noticed that there was a substantial gap between what was then considered state-of-the-art in managing database schemas and the recent strides from Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) to managing cloud infrastructure.

In this post, we review that gap and show how Atlas – along with its Terraform provider – can bridge the two domains.

As an aside, I usually try to keep blog posts practical and to the point, but occasionally think it’s worth it to zoom out and explain the grander ideas behind what we do.

If you’re looking for a quick and practical explanation of working with Atlas and Terraform, I recommend this YouTube video.

Why Infrastructure-as-Code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) refers to the practice of managing and provisioning infrastructure through machine-readable configuration files, instead of utilizing traditional interactive configuration tools. This approach makes for automated, consistent, and repeatable deployment of environments that are faster and less error-prone than previous, more manual approaches.

Terraform, a popular open-source tool created by HashiCorp, is the most prominent implementation of the IaC concept. With Terraform, organizations can describe the desired state of their infrastructure in a simple configuration language (HCL) and let Terraform plan and apply these changes in an automated way.

Terraform (and IaC in general) has taken the software engineering world by storm in recent years. As someone who had the dubious pleasure of managing complex cloud infrastructure manually, using what is today jokingly called "ClickOps", I can mention a few properties of IaC that I believe contributed to this success:

  • Declarative – Terraform is built on a declarative workflow, which means that users only define the final (desired) state of their system. Terraform is responsible for inspecting the target environment, calculating the difference between the current and desired states, and building a plan for reconciling between those two states.

    Cloud infrastructures are becoming increasingly complex, comprising thousands of different, interconnected components. Declarative workflows greatly reduce the mental overhead of planning changes to such environments.

  • Automated – Many engineers can attest that manually provisioning a new environment used to take days, even weeks! Once Terraform generates a plan for changing environments, the process runs automatically and finishes in a matter of minutes.

  • Holistic – With Terraform, it is possible to capture all of the resources and configurations required to provision an application as one interconnected and formally defined dependency graph. Deployments become truly reproducible and automated, with no dangling or manually provisioned dependencies.

  • Self-healing – Finally, these three properties converge to support a self-healing tool that can detect and fix drift on its own. Whenever drift occurs, it is only a matter of re-running Terraform to shift from the current state back to the desired one.

Comparing IaC with Schema Management Tools

Next, let’s discuss the current state of database schema management tools (often called schema migration tools) by contrasting them with the properties of IaC.

  • Imperative – If Terraform embodies the declarative approach, then schema management tools often exemplify the opposite, imperative (or revision-based) approach. In this case, we don’t provide the tools with the what (the desired state of the database), but the how (what SQL commands need to run to migrate the database from the previous version to the next).

  • Semi-automated – Migration tools were revolutionary when they came out a decade ago. One idea stood as one of the harbingers of the GitOps philosophy: that database changes should not be applied manually but first checked into source control and then applied automatically by a tool.

    Today’s migration tools automate two aspects of schema management: 1) execution and 2) tracking which migrations were already executed on a target database.

    Compared to modern IaC tools, however, they are fairly manual. In other words, they leave the responsibility of planning and verifying the safety of changes to the user.

  • Fragmented – As we described above, one of the most pleasant aspects of adopting the IaC mindset is having a unified, holistic description of your infrastructure, to the point where you can entirely provision it from a single terraform apply command.

    For database schema management, common practices are anything but holistic. In some cases, provisioning the schema might happen 1) when application servers boot, before starting the application, or 2) while it runs as an init container on Kubernetes.

    In fact, some places (yes, even established companies) still have developers manually connect (with root credentials) to the production database to execute schema changes!

  • A pain to fix – When a migration deployment fails, many schema management tools will actually get in your way. Instead of worrying about fixing the issue at hand, you now need to worry about both your database and the way your migration tool sees it (which have now diverged).

Bridging the Gap

After describing the gap between IaC and database schema management in more detail, let’s delve into what it would take to bridge it. Our goal is to have schema management become an integral part of your day-to-day IaC pipeline so that you can enjoy all the positive properties we described above.

To integrate schema change management and IaC, we would need to solve two things:

  1. A diffing engine capable of supporting declarative migration workflows, such that an engine should be capable of:
    • Loading the desired schema of the database in some form
    • Inspecting the current schema of the database
    • Calculating a safe migration plan automatically
  2. A Terraform Provider that wraps the engine as a Terraform resource, which can then seamlessly integrate into your overall application infrastructure configuration.

How Atlas drives Declarative Migrations

Atlas is a language-agnostic tool for managing and migrating database schemas using modern DevOps principles. It is different from Terraform in many ways, but similar enough to have received the informal nickname "Terraform for Databases".

At its core lie three capabilities that make it ideal to apply a declarative workflow to schema management:

  1. Schema loaders
  2. Schema inspection
  3. Diffing and planning

Let’s discuss each of these capabilities in more detail.

Schema loaders

Every declarative workflow begins with the desired state - what we want the system to look like. Using a mechanism called "schema loaders" Atlas users can provide the desired schema in many ways. For example:

Plain SQL

Atlas users can describe the desired schema of the database using plain SQL DDL statements such as:

Id int primary key,
Name varchar(255)

Atlas HCL

Alternatively, users can use Atlas HCL, a configuration language that shares Terraform’s configuration language foundations:

table "users" {
schema = schema.public
column "id" {
type = int
column "name" {
type = varchar(255)
column "manager_id" {
type = int
primary_key {
columns = [

A live database

In addition, users can provide Atlas with a connection to an existing database which in turn Atlas can inspect and use as the desired state of the database.

External Schemas (ORM)

Finally, Atlas has an easily extensible design which makes writing plugins to load schemas from external sources a breeze. For example, Atlas can read the desired schema of the database directly from your ORM, using a simple integration.

Schema inspection

Once Atlas understands the desired state of the database, it needs to inspect the existing database to understand its current schema. This is done by connecting to the target database and querying the database’s information schema to construct a schema graph (an in-memory representation of all the components in the database and their connections).

Diffing and planning

The next phase involves calculating the difference ("diffing") between the desired and current states and calculating an execution plan to reconcile this difference. Because resources are often interconnected, Atlas must create a sensible order of execution using algorithms such as Topological Sort to ensure, for example, that dependencies on a resource are removed before it is dropped.

In addition, each database engine has its own peculiarities and limitations to take into account when creating an execution plan. For example, adding a default value to a column in an SQLite database must be performed in a multiple-step plan that looks similar to this:

-- Planned Changes:
-- Create "new_users" table
CREATE TABLE `new_users` (`id` int NOT NULL, `greeting` text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'shalom')
-- Copy rows from old table "users" to new temporary table "new_users"
INSERT INTO `new_users` (`id`, `greeting`) SELECT `id`, IFNULL(`greeting`, 'shalom') AS `greeting` FROM `users`
-- Drop "users" table after copying rows
DROP TABLE `users`
-- Rename temporary table "new_users" to "users"
ALTER TABLE `new_users` RENAME TO `users`

Atlas in action

What does this workflow look like in practice? As you can see in Atlas's "Getting Started" guide, suppose we made a change to our desired schema that adds a new table named blog_posts (this change may be described in a plain SQL file, an HCL file or even in your ORM's data model).

To apply the desired schema on a target database you would use the schema apply command:

atlas schema apply \
-u "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3306/example" \
--to file://schema.sql \
--dev-url "docker://mysql/8/example"

After which Atlas will generate a plan:

-- Planned Changes:
-- Create "blog_posts" table
CREATE TABLE `example`.`blog_posts` (`id` int NOT NULL, `title` varchar(100) NULL, `body` text NULL, `author_id` int NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), INDEX `author_id` (`author_id`), CONSTRAINT `author_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`author_id`) REFERENCES `example`.`users` (`id`))
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Are you sure?:
▸ Apply

Observing this example, you may begin to understand how Atlas earned its nickname the "Terraform for Databases."

Integrating with Terraform

The second piece of bridging the gap is to create a Terraform Provider that wraps Atlas and allows users to define resources that represent the schema definition as part of your infrastructure.

Ariga (the company behind Atlas) is an official HashiCorp Tech Partner that publishes the Atlas Terraform Provider, which was created to solve this problem precisely.

Using the Atlas Terraform Provider, users can finally provision their database instance and its schema in one holistic definition. For example, suppose we provision a MySQL database using AWS RDS:

// Our RDS-based MySQL 8 instance.
resource "aws_db_instance" "atlas-demo" {
identifier = "atlas-demo"
instance_class = "db.t3.micro"
engine = "mysql"
engine_version = "8.0.28"
// Some fields skipped for brevity

Next, we load the desired schema from an HCL file, using the Atlas Provider:

data "atlas_schema" "app" {
src = "file://${path.module}/schema.hcl"

Finally, we use the atlas_schemaresource to apply our schema to the database:

// Apply the normalized schema to the RDS-managed database.
resource "atlas_schema" "hello" {
hcl =
url = "mysql://${aws_db_instance.atlas-demo.username}:${urlencode(random_password.password.result)}@${aws_db_instance.atlas-demo.endpoint}/"

You can find a full example here.

When we run terraform apply, this is what will happen:

  • Terraform will provision the RDS database using the AWS Provider
  • Terraform will use Atlas to inspect the existing schema of the database and load the desired state from a local HCL file.
  • Atlas will calculate for Terraform a SQL plan to reconcile between the two.

And this is how it may look like in the Terraform plan:

Terraform will perform the following actions:

# atlas_schema.hello will be created
+ resource "atlas_schema" "hello" {
+ hcl = <<-EOT
table "posts" {
schema =
column "id" {
null = false
type = int
column "user_id" {
null = false
type = int
column "title" {
null = false
type = varchar(255)
column "body" {
null = false
type = text
primary_key {
columns = []
foreign_key "posts_ibfk_1" {
columns = [column.user_id]
ref_columns = []
on_update = NO_ACTION
on_delete = CASCADE
index "user_id" {
columns = [column.user_id]
table "users" {
schema =
column "id" {
null = false
type = int
column "user_name" {
null = false
type = varchar(255)
column "email" {
null = false
type = varchar(255)
primary_key {
columns = []
schema "app" {
charset = "utf8mb4"
collate = "utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci"
+ id = (known after apply)
+ url = (sensitive value)

# aws_db_instance.atlas-demo will be created
+ resource "aws_db_instance" "atlas-demo" {
// .. redacted for brevity
+ }

And that's how you bridge the gap between IaC and schema management!


In this blog post, we reviewed some exceptional properties of Infrastructure-as-Code tools, such as Terraform, that have led to their widespread adoption and success in the industry. We then reviewed the current state of a similar problem, database schema management, in contrast to these properties. Finally, we showcased Atlas’s ability to adapt some IaC principles into the domain of schema management and how we can unify the two domains using the Atlas Terraform Provider.

How can we make Atlas better?

We would love to hear from you on our Discord server ❤️.