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Manage MySQL on RDS with Terraform and Atlas


  • Many teams use Terraform, a popular, open-source, infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool created by HashiCorp to provision their cloud infrastructure.
  • RDS is a fully managed relational database service by AWS.
  • The popular AWS Terraform Provider can be used to easily provision database instances and manage them.
  • This guide shows how to use the Atlas Terraform Provider to manage the schema of an RDS-managed MySQL database using Terraform as part of their IaC pipelines.

Schema management in IaC

Terraform is widely used in the industry to provision and manage resources in AWS. One of the popular use-cases teams use Terraform for is to provision the database backing their application on RDS (a fully managed relational database service) using the AWS Terraform Provider. The provider supports a resource named aws_db_instance to provision databases using RDS.

This resource can be used to configure many attributes of the database like the amount of storage, the engine and version of the database, backup settings, etc. However, when it comes to provisioning the database's schema itself, the AWS provider does not offer any support. As a result, many teams do not manage their database schemas as part of their infrastructure-as-code pipeline in Terraform.

In this guide, we will demonstrate how to use Terraform to both provision a MySQL database on AWS with RDS and manage its schema in a single pipeline.


Source code

The full source code for this guide can be found on the Atlas Examples repository on GitHub.

Dev database

To plan a migration from the current to the desired state, Atlas uses a Dev Database, which is usually provided by a locally running container with an empty database of the type you work with (such as MySQL or PostgreSQL).

To spin up a local MySQL database that will be used as a dev-database in our example, run:

docker run --rm --name atlas-db-dev -d -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=example -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass mysql:8

As reference for the next steps, the URL for the Dev Database will be:


Getting started

Create a new directory for our new Terraform project and in it a file named In this file we will define all the required resources for our project. Start by configuring the providers which we will use in our project:

terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 4.0"
atlas = {
source = "ariga/atlas"
version = "0.3.0"

# Configure the AWS Provider
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"


Next, our database must reside in a network topology. We will use the AWS-maintained Terraform module terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws for creating a new VPC for our demo.

// Fetch the list of availability zones from the current region.
data "aws_availability_zones" "available" {
state = "available"

// Provision a VPC and subnets in these AZs.
module "vpc" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
version = "3.16.1"

name = "atlas-rds-demo"
cidr = ""
azs = data.aws_availability_zones.available.names
public_subnets = ["", "", ""]
enable_dns_hostnames = true
enable_dns_support = true

// Create a DB subnet to provision the database.
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "atlas" {
name = "atlas-rds-demo"
subnet_ids = module.vpc.public_subnets

tags = {
Name = "Demo"

A few things worth noting:

  1. In a more realistic scenario we will not provision a dedicated VPC for our database, rather our database will reside in a more general-purpose VPC which will include compute and other resources.
  2. For the sake of simplicity we are placing our instance in public subnets. In a production use case, it is usually recommended to provision specific subnets for databases which should not be reachable from the internet.

Security groups

Next, we provision the security group which governs access to our database instance. Notice: in this demo we are creating a database which is accessible from the public internet. The reason we need this is that we are running Terraform locally and need it to be able to connect to the database directly in order to manage our schema. In a realistic scenario, we will run Terraform from a server which is located in our VPC and can access our database.

// Security group which allows *public access* to our database.
// DO NOT use this in production.
resource "aws_security_group" "rds" {
name = "atlas-demo"
vpc_id = module.vpc.vpc_id

ingress {
from_port = 3306
to_port = 3306
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]

egress {
from_port = 3306
to_port = 3306
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]

tags = {
Name = "atlas"

Provision the database

Next, we use the aws_db_instance to provision a new database instance:

// Generate a random password for our db user.
resource "random_password" "password" {
length = 16
special = true

// Our RDS-based MySQL 8 instance.
resource "aws_db_instance" "atlas-demo" {
identifier = "atlas-demo"
instance_class = "db.t3.micro"
allocated_storage = 5
engine = "mysql"
engine_version = "8.0.28"
username = "atlas"
password = random_password.password.result
db_subnet_group_name =
vpc_security_group_ids = []
parameter_group_name = "default.mysql8.0"
publicly_accessible = true
skip_final_snapshot = true

Define the desired schema

In a separate file named schema.hcl define the desired database schema. To learn more about defining SQL resources with the Atlas language, see the docs.

// Create a new database named "hello"
schema "hello" {}

// Create a table named "users".
table "users" {
schema = schema.hello
column "id" {
type = int
column "name" {
type = varchar(255)

Connect everything together

Finally, configure the Atlas Terraform Provider to apply the schema in our schema.hcl file on the RDS-managed database instance.

locals {
dev_db_url = "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3306/example"

// Load the schema from file and normalize it using the dev database.
data "atlas_schema" "hello" {
dev_db_url = local.dev_db_url
src = file("schema.hcl")

// Apply the normalized schema to the RDS-managed database.
resource "atlas_schema" "hello" {
hcl = data.atlas_schema.hello.hcl
dev_db_url = local.dev_db_url

// The connection string will be: mysql://user:pass@endpoint/
url = "mysql://${aws_db_instance.atlas-demo.username}:${urlencode(random_password.password.result)}@${aws_db_instance.atlas-demo.endpoint}/"

Time to provision

We're now ready to provision the resources in our AWS account. Start by initializing the project:

terraform init

Observe that Terraform downloads the necessary modules and plugins:

Initializing modules...
Downloading 3.16.1 for vpc...
- vpc in .terraform/modules/vpc

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding ariga/atlas versions matching "0.3.0-pre.1"...
- Finding hashicorp/aws versions matching ">= 3.73.0, ~> 4.0"...
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/random...
- Installing ariga/atlas v0.3.0-pre.1...
- Installed ariga/atlas v0.3.0-pre.1 (self-signed, key ID 45441FCEAAC3770C)
- Installing hashicorp/aws v4.35.0...
- Installed hashicorp/aws v4.35.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/random v3.4.3...
- Installed hashicorp/random v3.4.3 (signed by HashiCorp)

Partner and community providers are signed by their developers.
If you'd like to know more about provider signing, you can read about it here:

Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider
selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository
so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when
you run "terraform init" in the future.

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

Finally, let's provision our infrastructure. Run:

terraform apply

Terraform offers a plan similar to:

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

# atlas_schema.hello will be created
+ resource "atlas_schema" "hello" {
+ dev_db_url = (sensitive value)
+ hcl = <<-EOT
table "users" {
schema = schema.hello
column "id" {
null = false
type = int
column "name" {
null = false
type = varchar(255)
schema "hello" {
charset = "latin1"
collate = "latin1_swedish_ci"
+ id = (known after apply)
+ url = (sensitive value)

// ... A long list of more changes

Plan: 15 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

Enter a value:

If the plan looks right to you, write "yes" and hit Enter.

After a few minutes Terraform should finish provisioning everything and print:

Apply complete! Resources: 15 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

Evolving the schema

The Atlas provider is useful also in cases where your schema evolves, and you wish to change it. Let's see how we can add a new, unique, column to our users table.

Edit schema.hcl:

schema "hello" {}

table "users" {
schema = schema.hello
column "id" {
type = int
column "name" {
type = varchar(255)
column "email" {
type = varchar(255)
index "idx_email" {
columns = [
unique = true

Now, re-apply with Terraform:

terraform apply

Terraform understands the diff in the desired schema for our database and produces a plan accordingly:

Terraform will perform the following actions:

# atlas_schema.hello will be updated in-place
~ resource "atlas_schema" "hello" {
~ hcl = <<-EOT
table "users" {
schema = schema.hello
column "id" {
null = false
type = int
column "name" {
null = false
type = varchar(255)
+ column "email" {
+ null = false
+ type = varchar(255)
+ }
+ index "idx_email" {
+ unique = true
+ columns = []
+ }
schema "hello" {
charset = "latin1"
collate = "latin1_swedish_ci"
id = "mysql://"
# (2 unchanged attributes hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

Enter a value:

After reviewing the plan, write "yes" at the prompt and hit Enter:

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.

Wrapping up

In this guide, we demonstrated how to provision and manage a MySQL instance using Terraform and the AWS and Atlas providers. Following the example here, teams can finally integrate schema management with their full Infrastructure-as-Code workflows.

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